Living the Dream
This all brings me to the point of this blog. I've been so lucky in my time at Notre Dame. My wonderful team last year was connected to a wonderful mentor who helped us connect to another great team for this year's competition. The difference between this year and last, however, is that this year we're moving forward with the business. The basic idea of the business is that it's an online shopping portal that provides you with same-day delivery of almost anything within 2-4 hours. I'm sure you'll get more details as we go along, but the point of this blog is to give anyone who cares enough to read it an idea of what it's like to be inside a start-up on a day-to-day basis. I probably won't write every day, as I anticipate feeling like this picture of me at the airport on the way home from California most of the time, but I'll try to keep it updated on a regular basis. Our official start date is June 1, although we are all working from our own separate corners of the world until then. We meet in South Bend June 1 with an anticipated trial launch date of June 7. More updates to come!

