Why I don't have pets.

So, I went on a solo camping/hiking expedition this weekend. I went up to Nichols Lake in Michigan, and hiked on the North Country Trail. It was beautiful, and a much needed retreat. What does that have to do with the title of this entry, you ask.
Mike downloaded an electronic chia pet for my dashboard. Unfortunately, you have to water the thing every two days, or he lands on his head with a message "your pet died because you didn't water him." (trust me. I've done this multiple times.) I'm caught up in the curiosity of how big he will get, but so far have been unable to get one to last past about two weeks. The weekend always gets me! So, I'm leaving for my hike, but I'm going to be gone for more than 48 hours. What am I to do? I cannot ask my roommate to water my electronic pet! So I took my computer with me. Not on the hike, but to the trailhead so I could water it right before I left. Can you imagine how much more trouble a real pet would be??
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