My Life

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Feel Like a Movie Star!!!

One my projects at the hospital was to play a nurse practitioner for some MedPoint express TV ads. Excuse the poor video quality and check it out!!

If you live in northern IN, look for me on TV. All I need now are some groupies!


Five months of training finally paid off!
Mike and I traveled to Duluth to run in Grandma's Marathon last Saturday. So much trainng had gone in to it - I was a nervous wreck! What if something went wrong? I'd been having foot problems, or what if a shoelace broke, or what if one of us got food poisoning and couldn't run?
As I stood at the starting line with 9600 other runners, it was quite an inspiring experience for me. As we were towards the end of the lineup, several people around us had "first marathon" shirts or body paint, and the anticipation in the air was contagious. 9600 people who had all trained for months in preparation. Some would finish, and some wouldn't but nearly everyone would push themselves to the limit before the day was over. I guess it's a testament to the human spirit and will - I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I definitely felt inspired and in awe.
It took us 6 minutes to reach the starting line, and we were carried along with the momentum of those around us. I owe it to my darling Mike for pacing me in the beginning, or I may have died by the end. Through all our training runs he's paced me early and pushed me at the end. Sometimes I wimpered in to the finish beside him, hating every step of the way.
We both felt great - at the halfway point we could still conquer the world, but before we finished the heat set in and killed us both. Those last 3 miles were the worst for me, and in spite of internal encouragement, distraction, and chiding, I couldn't even make myself run the last mile. But as I approached the finish line and the announcer said, "45 seconds to be under the 5 hour mark," I dug deep and finished strong. Ohhhh - I can still feel the exhaustion!
My actual chip time was 4:53:16.
Afterwards they gave us a carnation, a medal, a t-shirt, a solar blanket, and an all-you-could-eat buffet of bagels, fruit, yogurt, and ice cream. We ate as much as we could, and then headed to the massage tent, only to be told they were out of time :( we changed our clothes, hid in a tent through some pouring rain, and watched the awards ceremony. It's amazing to think that people finished in less than 1/2 the time I did. In fact, with my half-marathon time from a few weeks ago I would have to wait until I'm 65 to be competitive!
So now, I'm taking a break from running. The pool will be nice for a while :) And then, when I start to run again the plan is to do a couple half marathons and really work on speed. Then I won't have to run for 5 hours the next time I do a full marathon!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Do chipmunks eat mint?

So, I've been trying to grow a garden. I have 3 tomato plants, one zuchinni and some other random stuff. I've had varying degrees of success, but my mint plants have been my particular problem child. I got some little peat starter things to grow them in, and I got them to sprout, but they died before they got big enough to transplant. So I tried again, and decided to keep them inside because it might be safer. But then my dirt was getting white spots on the top, which i thought might be mold, so i set it outside to dry out a bit. After two days outside, I had one little plant, about 0.5 cm high, left alive. I decided to move it inside after my (last) training run. When I got back there was a cute little chipmunk on the porch. he ran away as i approached, but as I went to pick up my pot I noticed little poops around the base. And then I noticed that the dirt inside was much disheveled. Do you think the chipmunk was digging in my dirt? Did he smell the mint, or was he trying to bury a nut? I planted some new seeds tonight. If these don't grow, maybe I'll try lettuce. As a houseplant.