
So, this was my bed. Yes, those are springs on the bottom. I used to sleep on this bed when i visited my Grandma as a kid, which means it's at least as old as i am! it is no longer a nice bed. so for months i've been trying to talk myself into buying a new one. and do you know what the clencher was? I thought, "You know, Cinnamon and Chad bought a nice bed when they were dirt poor in college. Jared and Marie have a nice bed. heck, even Kara and Mike have a mattress they deemed nice enough to put in storage, and they live at an old rack quarry without electricity. Just because i'm single doesn't mean i have to sleep on a crappy bed!" so i bought one. It was delivered today. and now i'm looking around at the room i rent at all the temporary, college-like (cheap college-like) furniture. Until last week I had a folding table as a desk, a desk chair i inherited, my bed, and a futon. So I got rid of the futon. I borrowed Mike's real desk that doesn't fit in his studio apartment. The next thing to go, I think, will be the plastic nightstand (you can kind of see it in the photo). Maybe some decorations for the walls? With the mattress purchase, i can definitely no longer move with just my car, so i may as well go crazy. I don't know that i'm any more stable yet. I don't think I plan on being in South Bend for more than another year, but maybe if i make my bedroom a little less spartan i won't have to start from scratch when i do move. it's funny that marriage and children are kind of the stepping stones into adulthood, but if you don't hit those steps, or hit them later, adulthood still creeps up on you and eventually you have to do things like buy furniture, find a "real" job, etc. this is my new mattress. maybe a bed skirt should be added to my list... I'm going to enjoy sleeping tonight!!

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